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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Khidmat Pengurusan Kewangan dan Pemasaran Perniagaan

Sekiranya anda Usahawan atau Bakal2 Usahawan mempunyai masalah dalam PENGURUSAN KEWANGAN DAN PEMASARAN PERNIAGAAN, sila emelkan masalah dan no.telefon anda kepada En. Wan ( atau Pn. Nisa (

Dan jika ada yang memerlukan khidmat PENCERAMAH dalam bidang KEWANGAN, PEMASARAN dan MOTIVASI sila emelkan juga kepada kami. 

Kami sedia membantu...Terima Kasih

Ceramah Pengurusan Kewangan dan Pemasaran

Pembentangan Kertas Kerja Rancangan Perniagaan

En. Sapowan Sanusi kerap diundang sebagai Penceramah di  MAIS, ASNAF, PERKIM dan PERHEBAT, UNIVERSITI, PUSAT2 LATIHAN SISWAZAH  dan SEKOLAH-SEKOLAH.

Sila emel kepada kami  untuk mendapatkan tindak balas secepatnya. Sekian, terima kasih.

Snow White and The Huntsman...

Layan tengok cita ni ngan anak2..
Very beautiful movie and awesome! first I was sceptical about the storyboard..ala mesti sama jer jalan cita ngan cita2 snow white yg biasa kite tengok..bossannn lah umi nak tengok...
Tapi  bila start jer cita… tengok muka Queen Ravienna lakonan Charlize Theron yg sangat jelita tapi jahat dan kejam punya pompuan, terus focus abihhh…
Snow White lakonan Kristen Stewart pun mantap..memang minat dia sejak cita Twilight lagi. Watak Snow White dalam cita ni bagus, seorang puteri raja yg pada asalnya lemah lembut tapi bertukar menjadi lasak dan berani sebagai ketua perang demi menawan kembali tahtanya. 
Chris Hemsworth si superhero Thor pun sama hebat dan cool, watak lelaki pemburu yang lasak dan kuat yg akhirnya menjadi cinta sejati Snow White..
Sebuah filem actions epic yg hebat walaupun  new version of story tale…

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Contoh Perjanjian Sewa Kereta (sample Car rental agreement)

Notebook hubby aku ni ala penyimpan mohor2 besar...banyak betul hubby aku nih simpan format2 like contoh surat perjanjian, format MOU lah, format rancangan perniagaan, format cash flow pun melambak2 dan macam2 versi ada...hish..hish..hish..patutlah slow notebook ni abg..

Dalam dok aku transfer semua format tu ke external hardisk, sempat aku cilok satu contoh format ni nak bagi kat korang.. Jangan marah yerr en.hubby hensem....hehe b nak buat amal sikit je boleh kan...

Car Rental Agreement

First Name(s):


Identity / Social Security or Other (Specify) number:

Physical Address:

First Name(s):


Identity / Social Security or Other (Specify) number:

Physical Address:

The parties choose the above stated addresses as their physical addresses at which legal proceedings may be instituted.

2.1 Type of Vehicle:

2.2 Make and Color:

2.3 Model:

2.4 Year:

2.5 Registration Number:

2.6 Engine Number:

2.7 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):

2.8 Passenger Capacity:

2.8 Rated Weight Carrying Capacity:

2.10 Odometer Reading at beginning of Rental Period:

3.1 The Owner states that to the best of his knowledge and belief that above-described vehicle is in sound and safe condition and free of any known defects or faults which would affect its safe operation under normal use.

4.1 The Renter states that he / she is physically and legally qualified to operate the above-described vehicle.

The Owner agrees to rent the above-described vehicle to the Renter for the following period:
5.1 Starting Date: _______________________________
Time: ____________________(a.m. / p.m.)
5.2 Ending Date: _______________________________
Time: ____________________(a.m. / p.m.)

6.1 The Renter hereby agrees to pay the owner at the rate of ____________ per day or portion there of
AND / OR at the rate of ______________ per kilometer for the use of the above-described vehicle.
6.2 All fuel used shall be paid for by the Renter.

7.1 The rented vehicle shall not be used to carry passengers or property for hire.
7.2 The rented vehicle shall not be used to carry passengers in excess of the capacity stipulated in 2.7 above.
7.3 The rented vehicle shall not be used to carry passengers, goods or materials in excess of the rated weight carrying capacity of the vehicle as stipulated in 2.7 and 2.8 above.
7.4 The rented vehicle shall not be used to carry passengers other than in the interior or cab of the vehicle.
7.5 The rented vehicle shall not be used to push, propel or tow another vehicle, trailer or any other thing without the written permission of the Owner.
7.6 The rented vehicle shall not be used for any race or in any competition.
7.7 The rented vehicle shall not be used for any illegal purpose.
7.8 The Renter shall not operate the vehicle in a negligent manner.
7.9 The rented vehicle shall not be operated by any other person other than the Renter stipulated in 1.2 above without the written permission of the Owner.

8.1 The Renter hereby agrees that he / she shall be held fully responsible for any and all loss of or damage to the vehicle or equipment during the term of this Car Rental Agreement whether caused by collision, fire, flood, vandalism, theft or any other cause, except that which shall be determined to be caused by a fault or defect of the vehicle or equipment.

9.1 The Renter further agrees to make a deposit of ______________ with the Owner, said deposit to be used, in the event of loss of or damage to the vehicle or equipment during the term of this Car Rental Agreement, to defray fully or partially the cost of necessary repairs or replacement.
9.2 In the absence of damage or loss, said deposit shall be credited toward payment of the Rental Rate and any excess shall be returned to the Renter.

10.1 The Renter hereby agrees to return the above-described vehicle to the Owner at the physical address listed in 1.1. no later than ________________________________

11.1 The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the magistrate's
(other ________________________) court for the district of
Signed at ______________________on this ______day of _________________20____

OWNER: _____________________________


if ada syarat2 lain yg korang ingin masukkan just tambah jer, yg ni standard ok. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Kelab Komuniti Taman Tasik Cyberjaya

Budak2 generasi sekarang ni sangat beruntung sebab setiap kali school breaks tak kira lah cuti panjang ke cuti 3 or 4 hari ker...parent wajib kena  bawak dorang pi holiday, at least stay hotel ada swimming pool or tepi laut. Kalau tak bawak selagi tu lah dok meminta2...alasan boringlah cuti sekolah dok rumah jer.. Heh kenapa jadi macam ni ekk? Kita dulu mana pandai nak mintak pegi2 bercuti nih..paling kuat pun balik kampong ada suku sakat buat majlis perkahwinan.

Fikir2 balik kenapa jadi macam tu salah parent jugak sebab kita yang biasakan mereka dengan culture bercuti2 nih setiap kali school holidays. Kebaikannya, jauh berjalan luas pandangan...anak2 dapat belajar  dan pengalaman itu boleh di guna untuk membuat buku skrap sekolah mereka. Memang betul..memang ada anak saya kena buat buat buku skrap dengan tajuk pengalaman dan kenangan tempat2 menarik yang pernah anda lawati.

Tapi keburukannya bila parent takde budget nak bawak berjalan atau bercuti...hah cuba bayangkan..faham ker anak2 kite dengan situasi ini? Susah jugak nak explain bagi faham ok sebab mereka dah biasa dan jadi trend pulak bila naik sekolah aje sibuk bercerita antara mereka, awak pegi mana cuti sekolah ari tu...? hermmm...kesian parent zaman sekarang nih.

Macam tu lah anak2 saya jugak, tak sabar2 nak pegi bercuti dan asyik nak pegi mandi kolam jer keje dorang bila cuti sekolah. Nasib baiklah rumah dekat dengan club house. Jimat sikit belanja..hehe

Dan lagi gambar2 di Club house Taman Tasik Cyberjaya...

ada Wifi...laju..en.hubby dok tengok you tube jer..tak kuasa nak mandi. So..anak2 sila layan diri sendiri ok

Ni rate dia..nak main macam2 kat sini gymnasium, tennis court, badminton, squash dan macam2 ada lah..orang luar boleh masuk dan kena bayar lah..hehe

So, bagi parent yg pening fikir mana nak bawak anak beriadah atau penuhkan masa keboringan mereka tu..hah datang lah ke club house ni dan bawak makanan sendiri lagi bagus ok.

Lagi gambar kanak2 riang..orang snap gambar pun dah tak hirau dah...dapat air camtu la dia..

Komen anak2.."kami suka datang sini umi...swimming pool cantik, bersih, luas, ada playground, boleh surf internet free.." hah yerlah tu kakak!....letih umi melayannye..

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Aqish and cup cake vanilla wth cream cheese for her teacher

My girgirl Aqish sanggup buatkan cupcake vanilla untuk teacher kesayangannya masa hari guru hari tu..."umi, aqish nak hadiahkan cikgu cupcake boleh?...ok my dear boleh..but u must help umi and we do it inilah hasilnya. Bahan2nya ikut apa yg ade je la.. ala2 cup cake from scratch by nigela lawson gitu..hehe

Simple design frosting guna cream cheese and whip cream, tabur chips chocolatey..but serious heavenly taste...yumm yumm umi...komen baby sharmeen..hehe

Dah siap masuk dalam bekas ni aje...dah tak sempat cari kotak kek kat kedai. Kira ok la kan aqish...

Kakaknya thira pun dapat satu bekas bagi kat teacher kesayangan dia...8 biji sorang dapat..cukup la tu kan..hai tembam la cikgu nanti makan kek banyak2 hehe

Sample Assignment of Assessment for Ringgit Malaysia in 2009 and 2010

Assalamualaikum..a little help for our friends out there yg still tercari2 sample assignment for subject International finance, assessment of RM in 2009-2010. Nisa ambik US dollar sebagai perbandingan.

Exchange Rate USD to RM in 2009 and 2010

Year 2009
Year 2010
Average rate
of the year

  Ringgit Malaysia Assessment in 2009
            Political history uncertainty following the country's 2008 general election and the 2008 Permatang Pauh by-election, falling oil prices, and the lack of intervention by Bank Negara to increase already low interest rates (which remained at 3.5% since April 2006) led to a slight fall of the ringgit's value against the US dollar between May and July 2008, followed by a sharper drop between August and September of the same year. As a result, the US dollar appreciated significantly to close at 3.43 to the MYR as of September 4, 2008. The drop brings the ringgit to its weakest since September 24, 2007, and ranks it as the second worst performing Southeast Asian currency between June 2008 and September 2008.
Graph for Malaysian Ringgit (RM) against US Dollar (USD) are displayed in the chart above. The values in the graph are based on the exchange rates obtained from the monthly-updated database.  As example on Jan 2009 the RM had enjoyed a period of appreciation at (RM3.068/USD), but the currency decline at sharper drop or depreciated to 3.692 against USD in Feb 2009.  The main reason behind this is inadequate investment after the Asian financial crisis. Gross Domestic Investment dropped from a peak of 43.6% in 1995 to 19.6% in year end 2008. This momentum of RM depreciation continues until April 2009 at average rate RM3.60/USD.
 Since in the beginning of 2009, the ringgit has lost almost 6% of its value against the US Dollar. This depreciation of Ringgit value is primarily due to the declining demand in exports and portfolio capital outflows. But the depreciation of Ringgit may help to improve the export performance of Malaysia, limiting the negative impact from global recession.
The current assessment is that the domestic economy is expected to improve in the second half of 2009, supported by stabilisation in global economic conditions and the larger impetus from the implementation of the fiscal stimulus measures. In May 2009, Ringgit slowly recovered by appreciated at RM3.487/USD. Then slightly declining in Jun 2009 to August 2009 at average rate of RM3.50/USD. From September 2009 to December 2009 showing that ringgit currency appreciated back at RM3.461/USD to RM3.423/USD.
Malaysia was hit hard by the global financial crisis of 2008-09. Anticipating the downturn that would follow the episode of extreme financial turbulence, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) let the exchange rate depreciate as capital flowed out, and pre-emptively cut the policy rate by 150 basis points. Furthermore, had a fixed exchange rate regime been in place, simulations indicate that output would have contracted by -5.5 percent over the same four-quarter period. In other words, exchange rate flexibility and the interest rate cuts implemented by the BNM helped substantially soften the impact of the global financial crisis on the Malaysian economy. 

            Ringgit Malaysia Assessment in 2010
Ringgit was the best performing Asian currency in year 2010. On a year-to-date basis, ringgit gained 7.0% against USD as compared to other Asian currencies. There were several reasons that we believe were likely behind ringgit’s strength. These includes a better than expected GDP growth in the fourth quarter and most importantly, Bank Negara unexpected move in being the first central bank in Asia to raise interest rate. 
In January to February 2010, Ringgit appreciated against US dollars at RM3.41 to 3.40/USD. Ringgit at the best performance of appreciation throughout this year at average RM3.20/USD. The highest exchange currency was in January at RM3.41/USD and the lowest exchange rate was in December 2010, Ringgit appreciated at 3.06/USD.
The reason of stronger Ringgit are; firstly the implications for bond investors. This means that Malaysian investors who have invested into non-Asia foreign-denominated bonds might suffer from currency loss. As such, investors are advised to focus on ringgit denominated bond funds as opposed to global bond funds. Secondly, better than expected GDP Growth. The strength in ringgit was supported by better economic fundamental. Malaysia registered better than expected recovery in its 4Q 09 economic growths. The country posted a 4.5% year-on-year GDP growth, backed by improving external and domestic demand.
Third reason is Bank Negara Malaysia increase ‘Overnight policy rate’ (OPR) by 25 basis points (bp) to 2.25% in March. Malaysia was the first country in Asia to raise interest rate. Typically, ringgit appreciates when foreign demand for Malaysia debt securities increases. Before the rate hike announced on 4 March, ringgit increased only 1.0% against USD month-on-month, after the surprised hike, ringgit increased by 3.8%, a month after the rate hike.
 Forth reason is further increase as Chinese Yuan is expected to increase and ringgit typically increases with the appreciation of Yuan. Global imbalances have been a hot topic for debate in the recent years. The US and European countries are blaming Asian countries, especially China, for suppressing the strength of their currencies to give their exports an unfair cost advantage. The China Yuan against USD has been pegged at 6.83 since July 2008 as part of the government’s effort to weather the economic downturn.