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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Iklan Popular!

Salam Jumaat semua...
Alhamdulillah...tak sangka hehehe..iklan blog antara iklan yg popular di Malaysia Blog Iklan!...yeayyy kembang aku jap..
Terima Kasih pada  pengunjung2 yang sudi singgah ke blog aku nih yerr..
Insyaallah nisa akan update entry2 yang lebih berinformasi lepas ni, especially contoh2 assignment pada junior2 aku student kat OUM tuu..ok
dan tak lupa juga format2 untuk dokumen perniagaan macam contoh2 surat perjanjian, rancangan pernigaan dan juga informasi kursus2 keusahawanan yang disampaikan oleh en.hubby ku iaitu En.Sapowan Sanusi.

En.hubby ada bagitau yg dia nak buat kerja amal sikit iaitu nak beri ceramah motivasi secara percuma kepada murid2 sekolah atau pelajar2 IPTA dan sesiapa yg berminat nak dapatkan perkhidmatan percuma ini sila hubungi  PA dia at 014-6662913 ok..


Friday, June 22, 2012

Cupcake Oreo VS Cupcake Creamo

Aku buat 2 jenis cuppies oreo dan creamo. wahh menjadi pulak resepi yang aku cuba2 jer ni..hehe Senang je buatnye..ambik resepi cupcake vanilla tu, pastuh masukkan jer oreo atau creamo kat dalam..nak buh atas pun boleh. Fuhh marvellous rasa diaa…memang favourite budak2. Masing2 rajin menolong nak letak oreo tu..cukai pulak tuuu..satu masuk kt kek, satu masuk mulut..aduiii tak yah lah tolong ummi camnie, tak cukup la karang biskut tu nak wat cupcake sayangg…

Masing2 tak sabar tunggu cupcake tu masak…bila bunyi ketinngg!! Oven tu..Hahh masing2 berlari ke dapur. Memang tak sempat simpan la jawabnye, letak je sekali hadap abihh..satu adunan dapat lebih kurang 35 biji  boleh abihh sekali rap. Hai anak2 umi ni..dorang ni suka yang cupcake oreo tu tapi bagi aku lagi sedap yang letak creamo tu sebab kurang manis, oreo ni manis sangat la..tapi tu la yang bebudak suka. Aku malas nak beli selalu..tak nak galakkan dorang ni makan manis2 selalu, bahaya sebab sekarang ni diabetis kanak2 pun boleh senang kena.

 Bukan setakat orang tua je yang kena. Itu lah parent kena la pantau tabiat pemakanan anak2 kita…aku pening juga bila tengok pakcik kantin sekolah anak aku boleh jual air tin bergas, so cara nak elak dari dorang beli aku bekalkan air mineral pastuh sebelum gi sekolah mesti makan kat rumah kenyang2 dulu..aku bagi RM1 jer sorang, itupun sapa yg tak belanja duit tu umi tambah lagi total RM2 boleh simpan dalam tabung. Hahh begitu la caranya aku ajar anak2 supaya berjimat disamping elakkan makanan ringan yg tak sihat tu…hehe

1st round baked..abihh

2nd round baked....pun abihh

Cupcake Creamo...I'm Lovin it!

Gandingan Oreo VS Creamo...kena pose dulu sebelum ngapp..hehe

Okaylah...aku pernah try biskut oreo tu bubuh dalam kek pun sedap tau..lepas ni nak cuba susun2 dalam kek lapis pulak...emmm gerenti sedap, ni kena mintak resepi dari adik aku yg expert buat kek lapis. Mesti cuba ok!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

KLCC Tepat Pukul 12 Malam..

Memandangkan aku angkut anak2 aku yang dua orang ni pergi kursus usahawan ari tu, dorang lepak dalam bilik hotel jer sehari suntuk. Bosan la tu coz takde swimming pool kat Grand Pacific tu, nasib baik ada Wifi internet..hah ngadap notebook jerlah keje dorang. So malam tu lepas abis hubby berceramah, dia ajaknya kitorang tengok KLCC walaupun masa tu dah kul 12 malam..hehe seramlah orang tua2 kata waktu ni lah hantu2 berkeliaran. Hishh cabul pulak mulut tuu..
           Kuar dari lobby hotel jer, laa banyak lagi kereta dok mundar-mandir kat jalan..orang KL nih tak tau tido ker. Kat KLCC agak sunyi sikit, ada la sorang dua orang tourist yang sibuk ambik gambar KLCC. Serius cantik gila view waktu malam kat sini..sempat la kitorang bergambar ala2 muka tak sudah..coz actually aku penat gila satu hari tolong hubby, maklumlah PA dia kan..tapi laratkan jugaklah badan nih coz anak2 aku nak tengok sangat KLCC waktu malam..emmm..macam la tak pernah pegi.


kagum aku...susah nak buat structur bangunan nih..patutlah mahal

KLCC nih Petronas punya tak silap aku..banyak tu abis duit..huhu

nasib baik jauh snap..tak nampak muka lemau aku tu..hehe

Kursus Usahawan Veteran Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (JHEV)

Pada 18/06/12 hingga 20/06/12 yang lalu, hubby ku telah dijemput memberi kursus Keusahawanan kepada pesara2 tentera veteran di Grand Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Kursus selama 3 hari ini memberikan pendedahan  kepada mereka tentang segala aspek dalam dunia perniagaan bermula daripada asas keusahawanan, sahsiah dan etika seorang usahawan, panduan pengurusan kewangan dan perakaunan syarikat dan akhir sekali pembentangan kertas kerja Rancangan Perniagaan dalam bentuk kerja berkumpulan.

Walaupun kebanyakan peserta yang menghadiri kursus tersebut telah pun bergelar usahawan dan mempunyai perniagaan yang tersendiri, namun semangat mereka untuk terus belajar ilmu2 perniagaan adalah sangat membanggakan,  kerana setelah habis kursus ini pun mereka masih memohon lagi  untuk mendapatkan kursus lanjutan keusahawanan mengikut bidang industri masing2.

Penutup majlis, bergambar beramai-ramai

 Rancangan Perniagaan

 Bersama dengan Orang Kuat JHEV

Pembentangan Rancangan Perniagaan oleh peserta

Semoga ilmu yang diperolehi oleh mereka dapat membantu mereka memajukan perniagaan masing2..Jika ada masalah sila hubungi En. Sapowan, Insyaallah kami akan memberikan khidmat nasihat. Jumpa lagi...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Example Analysis of Organisation Capital Structure

This analysis originally from my Financial Management II paper and for study purpose. Plagiarism is not allowed..thank you.

Analysis of QSR Brands Berhad Capital Structure

Capital structure is the combination of debt and equity to finance a company. It is usually measured as either ratios of debt to equity or ratio of debt to assets. To overview the financial strength of a company, there are four leverage ratios can be used; Debt ratio, Debt equity ratio, Equity multiplier and Interest coverage ratio. Generally, the most used by analysts are the Debt ratio and Debt equity. These two are popular measurements tools in evaluating a company’s capital structure.

Formula of Debt ratio = Total Liabilities / Total Assets, then multiplied by 100%
Debt equity ratio = Long term liabilities / Total shareholder’s equity

The Computation of Capital Structure of Firm

Debt Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio
Total Liabilities
x  100%
Long term Liabilities
x 100%

Total Assets

Total Shareholder Equity


x  100%
x  100%



= 36.27 %

= 62 %

x  100%
x  100%



= 39.12 %

= 81.87 %

x  100%
x  100%



= 40.56 %

= 69.65 %

x  100%
x  100%



= 29.76 %

= 62.30 %

x  100%
x  100%



= 36.29 %

= 105.30 %

Table 2.  The Computation of Ratios in Percentage for the Firm.
Debt ratio
Debt Equity Ratio

The Debt ratio of QSR Brands Berhad in year 2005 is 36.27%, 39.12% in 2006 and 40.56% in the year 2007, indicates a significant increase in debt ratio each year. The highest debt ratio is in year 2007 of 40.56%, shows the firm’s debt leverage increased at RM325 million of total liabilities over RM801 million of total assets. In 2008, the debt ratio was dropped tremendously at 29.76% and favoured to the firm, its shows the company’s debt leverage was dropped fairly and increased the capital equity. In year 2009, the debt ratio was increased to 36.29%  but still satisfactory for a big firm with total assets about RM2,092.7 million. The firm was increased in capital equity through its fund management, its shows that the firm’s capital management prefer for equity financing than debt financing.
            The Debt Equity ratio looks bigger in size with 62% in year 2005, 81.87% in year 2006, 69.65% in 2007, 62.30% in 2008 and 105.30% in year 2009. Besides, its higher ratios indicate its consistence of its capital structure based on debt financing. We can see a tremendous increase of almost double the ratio in 2005 of 62% to 105.30% in 2009. It shows that the total debt owned by the firm exceeds the equity shareholder’s. However, for a big corporation is not a risk of market plunge due to its big assets and shareholders confidence.
The evaluation of capital structure finds that the QSR Brands Berhad tends toward the debt financing instead of the equity financing. Main sources of debt financing are commercial banks, which are offers short term loans and long term loans. The liabilities of loans and borrowings for the firm were increased from RM173 million in 2008 to RM264 million in  2009.
This study finds that even though has increased in profitability, firm more tend toward debt financing thus confirming the finding of The Trade-off Theory of capital structure. This explained here, the firm with high income and safe with tangible assets are more likely to have high debt levels than a firm with risky or intangible assets.
As part of its overall prudent liquidity management, the firm maintains sufficient levels of cash or cash convertible investments to meet its working capital requirements. In addition, the firm strives to maintain available banking facilities of a reasonable level to its overall debt position. As far as possible, the firm raises committed funding from both capital markets and financial institutions and prudently balances its portfolio with some short-term funding so as to achieve overall cost effectiveness. The firm manages its debt maturity profile, operating cash flows and the availability of funding so as to ensure that all refinancing, repayment and funding needs are met.
            From the evaluation, the cash flow interest rate will be the risk that affect future flows of a financial instrument fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. Fair value interest rate is also the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. As the firm has no significant interest-bearing financial assets, the firm’s income and operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in market interest rates. The firm’s interest-bearing financial assets are mainly short-term in nature and have been mostly placed in fixed deposits or occasionally, in short-term commercial papers. The firm’s interest rate risk arises primarily from interest-bearing borrowings. Loans and borrowings at floating rates expose the firm to cash flow interest rate risk. Loans and borrowings obtained at fixed rates expose the firm to fair value interest rate risk. The firm manages its interest rate exposure by maintaining a mix of fixed and floating rate borrowings. In the previous year, the firm had interest rate swaps with a notional contract amount of RM5,717,000. The interest rate relating to the interest rate swaps as at 31 December 2008 had been fixed at 5.34% per annum until its maturity in May 2009. There is no interest rate swap facility outstanding as at 31 December 2009.
The foreign currency is another risk that arises from subsidiaries operating in foreign countries, which generate revenue and incur costs denominated in foreign currencies. The currency exposure is primarily Singapore Dollars. The firm is exposed to foreign currency risk on purchases that are denominated in a currency other than the respective functional currencies of the firm entities. The currencies giving rise to this risk are primarily US Dollars. In the previous year, the firm was also exposed to foreign currency risk arose from borrowings denominated in foreign currencies. The firm had currency swaps that were primarily used to hedge the foreign currency exposures on the borrowings. The currency exposures were primarily US Dollars and Singapore Dollars.
The firm credit risk is primarily attributable to trade receivables. The firm trades only with recognised and creditworthy third parties. It is the firm’s policy that all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In addition, receivable balances are monitored on ongoing basis and the firm’s exposure to bad debts is not significant. For transactions that are not denominated in the functional currency of the relevant operating unit, the firm does not offer credit terms without the specific approval of the Head of Credit Control. The credit risk of the firm’s other financial assets, which comprise cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and noncurrent investments, arises from default of the counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these financial assets. As the firm’s transactions are substantially on cash basis, its credit risk is minimal.
            In year 2009, QSR Brands Berhad recorded revenue of RM2,760.3 Million, an increase of 418.1% over year 2008 of RM532.8 Million. This shows excellent achievements in increasing the group’s revenue, profit before tax registered at RM230.3 Million against RM97.7 Million in 2008. The group continued growth in revenue and profitability as a result from the strategic initiatives done like Pizza Hut has expanded its network with 26 new restaurants across Malaysia and Singapore, and QSR expanded its KFC network with 49 new restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore and Cambodia.

Good Luck For Your Assignment!

Comparative Analysis Between Islamic Banking and Conventional Banking in Malaysia


In conventional banking, the banker - customer relationship is a debtor - creditor relationship where the bank earns a profit by making a spread between interest charged on the borrower of funds and interest paid to the depositors. On the other hand, Islamic finance is governed by Shariah rules that prohibit interest-based transactions. One must refrain from making a direct comparison between Islamic banking and conventional banking.
               Conventional banking is essentially based on the debtor-creditor relationship between the depositors and the bank on one hand, and between the borrowers and the bank on the other. Interest is considered to be the price of credit, reflecting the opportunity cost of money.

              Islamic law considers a loan to be given or taken, free of charge, to meet any contingency.  Thus in Islamic Banking, the creditor should not take advantage of the borrower. When money is lent out on the basis of interest, more often that it leads to some kind of injustice. The first Islamic principle underlying for such kind of transactions is “deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly” [2:279] which explain why commercial banking in an Islamic framework is not based on the debtor-creditor relationship.
             The other principle pertaining to financial transactions in Islam is that there should not be any reward without taking a risk. This principle is applicable to both labour and capital. As no payment is allowed for labour, unless it is applied to work, there is no reward for capital unless it is exposed to business risk.

Comparison of the conventional banking and Islamic banking are shown in box diagram as below:-

Conventional Banks
Islamic Banks
1. The investor is assured of a predetermined rate of interest.  Lending money and getting it back with compounding interest is the fundamental function of the conventional banks. It can charge additional money (penalty and compounded interest) in case of defaulters.
1. In contrast, it promotes risk sharing between provider of capital (investor) and the user of funds (entrepreneur). Participation in partnership business is the fundamental function of the Islamic banks. So we have to understand our customer’s business very well. The Islamic banks have no provision to charge any extra money from the defaulters. Only small amount of compensation and these proceeds is given to charity. Rebates are given for early settlement at the Bank’s discretion.
2. It aims at maximizing profit without any restriction. Since income from the advances is fixed, it gives little importance to developing expertise in project appraisal and evaluations. It does not deal with Zakat.
2. It also aims at maximizing profit but subject to Shariah restrictions. Since it shares profit and loss, the Islamic banks pay greater attention to developing project appraisal and evaluations. In the modern Islamic banking system, it has become one of the service-oriented. functions of the Islamic banks to be a Zakat Collection Centre and them also pay out their Zakat.
3. The conventional banks give greater emphasis on credit-worthiness of the clients. . The status of a conventional bank, in relation to its clients, is that of creditor and debtors.
3. The Islamic banks, on the other hand, give greater emphasis on the viability of the projects. The status of Islamic bank in relation to its clients is that of partners, investors and trader, buyer and seller.
4. A conventional bank has to guarantee all its deposits from risk.
4. Islamic bank can only guarantee deposits for deposit account, which is based on the principle of al-wadiah, thus the depositors are guaranteed repayment of their funds, however if the account is based on the mudarabah concept, client have to share risk in a loss position.

            Moreover, Conventional banks encourage people to keep their money idle in banks in return for profit on a fixed proportion after a calendar year which brings us back to the concept of interest or usury. As expected, such liberties have not been allowed in Islam so Islamic banks encourage people to invest their money instead of storing it for a long period of time.

 In addition, Conventional banks, since they run on the concept of creditor-debtor, they may dolly out loans to even those aiming to start a business of alcohol or any unlawful good for that matter. After all, maximum gains and profits would be the main target of the bank at the end of the day and a dealer in alcohol would assure them that. On the contrary, Islamic banks would place certain checks and balances to ensure that money lent is used in an appropriate manner so that the borrower does not make unlawful gains. 

            The fourth and foremost difference that underlies these two banking systems is the concept of interest or Riba (Usury). While interest might play a leading role in the Conventional baking system all over the world, Islamic Shariah has allowed absolutely no room for such concepts; in fact, they prohibit dealings in interest at all costs. As opposed to the concept of Riba, profit and loss sharing between banks and clients has been allowed in Islam and that really forms the basis of Islamic banks. Also, Islamic banks offer service-oriented functions such as Zakat collection to ensure that money in the bank is ‘purified’ and also spent to help those in distress. Since Conventional banks are driven by maximum profit motive, such services remain absent from their system. In essence, social consideration remains a major target in Islamic banking whereas social injustices are common in Conventional Banking.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Kursus Pra-Bantuan Modal Lembaga Zakat Selangor

Sabtu dan Ahad lepas hubby ku telah menyampaikan kursus untuk para peserta Asnaf di bawah bimbingan Pusat Zakat Selangor. Terima kasih pada En.Amiza Abu Adam boss kepada Grow Management Services yang sudi menjemput En.Sapowan Sanusi sebagai penceramah kursus tersebut.

            Kursus Pra bantuan Modal Lembaga Zakat Selangor ini diadakan di PULAZ (Pusat Latihan Akademi Zakat) Shah Alam, Selangor. 5 module yang disampaikan oleh beliau ialah Motivasi Keusahawanan, Teknik Komunikasi, Kewangan dan Perakaunan, Membuat Rancangan perniagaan dan akhirnya  Pembentukan perniagaan.

           Besar harapan En. Sapowan Sanusi  agar  ilmu yang disampaikan kepada peserta Asnaf itu dapat aplikasikan dengan baik dalam perniagaan mereka  dan menambah baik lagi kualiti hidup mereka sebagai Usahawan Muslim yang Berjaya.

Bersungguh-sungguh menyampaikan ilmu keusahawanan

Peserta sedang membuat kerja berkumpulan untuk proposal 'Rancangan Perniagaan'

Yess!!..anda boleh!..yakin boleh...itulah agaknya yang en. hubby cakap..hehehe

Amboii...tekunnya semua..rugi aku tak ikut, best tau tengok dorang present. Bibik aku kena la dok rumah jaga 4 orang askar2 aku tu...huhu

Lagi gambar2 peserta...

Hubby aku ni kalau berceramah suka buat lawak...kekadang tu hal anak bini sendiri pun dijadikan contoh...hishh abang ni malulah orang tau kisah kita...alaa..abg cita yang baik2 aje..hehe daripada jadikan kisah orang lain sebagai contoh takut jatuh fitnah pulak..betul tak? kita bukan bagi ceramah politik...hehehe gelak aku, betul jugak kata laki aku tu...
Dan hari demi hari semakin aku belajar betapa mahalnya nilai setitis ilmu itu...Alhamdulillah..